Now Playing: Microsoft has a new line of Xbox 360 consoles, and it’s one of the most powerful and advanced on the market Now Playing : Microsoft is launching a new desktop PC with Intel chips for $799 Now Playing (Warning: Some content contains coarse language.)Now Playing Google has updated its Android OS to be the fastest Android OS on […]
Categories: GiftsHow to use your printed PDFs to make a card with your dog
A lot of people have been making their own printed PDF files for their dogs, but there are a few important steps to take to get started.1.Make a PDF file in a different format for your dog.2.Choose the right file type.3.Create a PDF for your PDFs.4.Print the file and see how the file looks.5.If you have a photo of your […]
Categories: BridgeHP printer app has a silk screen printing feature
Google announced that it is working on a new version of its printer app for Android, and that the new app will let you print from the screen of your phone.This isn’t an announcement made with much fanfare.The new app is still in the works and will be released in the coming weeks.The app will allow you to set up […]
Categories: Bridge