Google News is a news aggregator and search engine for the world’s information and ideas.It is the default search engine in more than 190 countries and is available in more languages than any other search engine.The news content is provided by Google News, the company that owns and operates Google News.Google News uses artificial intelligence algorithms to improve the user […]
Categories: GiftsHow to turn your favorite laptop into a laser printer
In the past few years, a number of laser printers have been made for the home, but the technology has been expensive and unreliable.Here’s how to make your own at home.A couple of years ago, Microsoft announced that it had launched the first commercial version of the laser printer for the desktop, called the LaserJet 3, but it still hasn’t […]
Categories: Property typeHow to print from a smartphone using a laser printer
By now you’ve probably heard that printing from your smartphone is pretty darn easy, and the new Apple Watch app has a lot of nifty new tricks up its sleeve.And while you can use an app like Lightroom to create a print-ready iPhone photo, the app also supports printing directly from an iPhone camera.And it’s all done with Apple’s new […]
Categories: GiftsA simple laser printer can print edible printing labels for up to 20% less than commercial printers
If you have a laser printer that is designed for use with your edible printing, you can now print labels for about $1,200 cheaper.The good news is that you don’t have to spend a lot to print these tasty labels.The bad news is they’re all made from edible ingredients.That means you can print a few hundred per month for around […]
Categories: Property type