How to print and order calendars for your office

How to order your calendars online with is the largest provider of online ordering services, including calendars, and it is the source of this article.The site is the second largest online retailer after Amazon, with more than $2 billion in revenue last year.With Staples, you can get everything from personalized calendar cards to personalized invitations, and the company offers […]

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How to get your $50 Amazon Kindle book on a 3D printer

Amazon, Apple, Google, and Amazon have been making waves lately.With the launch of their new 3D printers, they’ve made a big splash with new books and accessories.But what about a new type of print shop?I recently attended the opening of the 3D printing space in New York City’s Chinatown.The space, called Chinatown Books, is a 3-D printing and book publishing […]

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