Google Home is set to become the new home printer that lets you print 3d-printed house cards, the company has said.The company is planning to launch a new version of its Google Home that will allow users to print home cards from an existing 3D-printed home, rather than a cardboard box.Google Home is an Apple TV-like speaker that can record […]
Categories: BridgeHow to buy 3D printing stocks for your home
3D printed houses can be pretty impressive looking.There’s no question that they are very expensive.They are the best way to create something that is both affordable and stylish.And if you can’t find a place to print, you can also print on demand, but that’s another story.The best thing about these houses is that you can make them with a wide […]
Categories: GiftsHow to print your own photo prints for the home
You may have thought you had printed your photos for sale online, but this is not the case.A DIY photo printing website, Cheap Photo Prints, will let you print your photos as high quality as possible and save you time.The site has an exclusive printable collection of more than 1,600 photos and is currently available for $25.It has an online […]
Categories: Bridge